Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patty's Day

We went out for St. Patty's Day and realized that we are getting old. We got to the bar around 5:00 and left by 7:00. We had 2-3 beers each and were ready to leave very quickly. We just don't (and can't) party like the kids anymore! I know that we're young still, but once you get married, I think you age 10 years immediately! I would much rather sit at home with my husband than be out partying! Who would have thought I would be saying that 3 years ago?!?! Here's a picture of Casey with all of his girls (he's such a good sport to hang out with my girlfriends!)!

1 comment:

Pickle said...

Married?? I am single and I am more of a Grandma than you. Maybe its the 6 months and 23 days.