Monday, July 7, 2008

RIP Avocado Tree

Our new house has very little landscaping, but it does have a large grapefruit and avocado tree. The avocado tree is annoying because the leaves make a mess. It didn't seem like the tree was producing fruit either. Casey decided to pull it out to leave room for something more attractive. Come to find out, that tree produces hundreds of avocados each year and unlike most avocados trees, it produces year round. Our neighbor was bummed to hear that we are taking it out because he enjoyed snatching the ones that hung in his yard. After cutting it down, we found 2 tiny avocados. Casey put in at least 7 hours getting that thing out of the ground and cleaned up...good job Casey!

1 comment:

Janine said...

Thats really sad... Poor tree didn't have a chance.